
Why Your Hotel Needs A Room Monitor This Summer

Summer is just around the corner, so travel will soon be in full swing. The summer season is traditionally the busiest time of year for travel, partially because of the summer breaks many children and college students experience but mainly due to just how warm the weather is. Most people are looking to catch a […]

Three Things Your California Based Airbnb Needs

No matter where you open your Airbnb or short-term rental, you need to know the legalities of the state and county you plan on opening your Airbnb. California, in particular, is a state where the short-term rental industry is more heavily regulated. The specific regulations will depend on which city you are in. However, California […]

How To Prevent Your Tenants From Smoking Indoors

When renting your property longterm, it is difficult to discover if your tenant has been smoking in your property until after they have moved out. And whether your property is large or small, it will sustain damage if indoor smoking occurs. Long-term damage from indoor smoking is not only costly to repair, but will cost […]

How To Handle Unexpected Situations At Your Hotel

No matter how well-run your hotel is, it is not immune to unexpected situations that can occur. That being said, it is crucial to prepare yourself and your staff as best as you can ahead of time. Being prepared for these events allows you and your staff to deal with the problems with more ease […]

Why Your Hotel Needs Room Monitors To Be “Green”

Sustainability is undeniably important. This is true, no matter the industry. It is especially true and important, though, for the hospitality industry. This is because the hospitality industry relies on lots of water and energy consumption. In fact, the hospitality industry is directly responsible for 1% of all global carbon emissions. There are many ways […]

How To Know When Your Airbnb Has Extra Guests

When running an Airbnb, it can be hard to ensure in a privacy-safe way that your guests are not sneaking any extra people to avoid paying more for their stay. It can also be tricky making sure that extra guests aren’t coming for an Airbnb party that might have slipped past you. Of course, you […]

Why Your Airbnb Needs A Room Monitor This Summer

Despite all that is going on in the world right now, and that is a lot, people are still planning to travel and take what we are sure are much needed vacations. Whether they are traveling by train, plane or car, they will have their vacation. What this means for Airbnb hosts, is that there […]

The Holidays You’ll Need Room Monitors For In Your Hotel

4th of July noise

As the high tourism season begins to wind up again, a few holidays come with it. While they are great fun to celebrate, sometimes celebrations can get out of hand. Especially considering the number of people who travel just for these holidays and enjoy them by drinking and partying. None of these things is bad, […]

How Room Monitors Keep Your Hotels Safe

You might feel skeptical about room monitors and their ability to keep your hotels safe, especially since they are a newly emerging tool for hotels and short-term rentals. However, they can be a really great way for you to keep an eye on your hotel rooms. All while respecting the privacy of your guests. Installing […]

Best Ways To Prevent Smoking In Your Unique Hostel

When running a hospitality business such as a hostel, it is typical for damages from guests to be made. One of the most costly damages is from unwarranted smoking. Unwarranted smoking can cause damage to the paint, furniture, and linens. Cleaning the room after unwarranted smoking becomes more expensive, too. This is because different cleaning […]